Geothermal energy utilises our planet’s most renewable energies, the earth’s core, which has more fuel than the sun. We identify hot dry rocks and inject water to create steam that turns turbines to create green electricity and hydrogen. This can be done 24/7 to generate baseload green power.
The rocks create steam which is used to generate electricity through a generator connected to a turbine, with the remaining steam converted into hydrogen via an electrolyser.
Unlike wind and solar, geothermal power is the first renewable solution that can be used as a 24/7 baseload power source.
Studies have shown that if we can get access to just one per cent of the hot rock energy less than 5km under the surface, we could meet Australia’s entire power needs for 26,000 years.
For this reason, experts predict geothermal production methods will revolutionise the energy industry and be critical to delivering a cost-effective avenue to decarbonising the global economy.
One of the cheapest sources of electricity.
The most affordable sources of green hydrogen.
Hydrogen production has the lowest negative environmental impacts.
Operates 24/7, which means entire energy grids can depend on it.
Geothermal energy is accessible as base load
power (unlike wind and solar) – meaning it is a
24/7, 365 day a year renewable energy option.
Geothermal energy is not dependant on variable sun or wind conditions.
Steam Resources' proposed pilot plant will have an estimated ground footprint of just 1.1km2.
Due ot the smaller footprint and reduced operational complexity compared to legacy oil and gas processing plants.
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