What is a Petajoule?

One petajoule (PJ) explained.

The joule is the standard unit of energy in general scientific applications. One joule is the equivalent of one watt of power radiated or dissipated for one second.

One petajoule is 1015 joules (1 million billion) or 278 gigawatt hours.


The energy used by 19,000 homes in a year1


The electricity used by 868,000 refrigerators in a year2


The electricity used by 2,354,000 televisions in a year3

  1. The average home uses approximately 50 gigajoules of energy in 2014–15
  2. A typical 2.5 star fridge uses 320 kWh of electricity per year 3
  3. A 50 inch 5 star label television uses 320 kWh of electricity per year

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